Unlocking DIY Gunsmithing Freedom With Marine Gun Builder

In this video

Join me in an eye-opening conversation with Marine Gun Builder as we dive into the world of DIY Gunsmithing, the art of creating online gunsmithing content, and the challenges faced by firearms enthusiasts in preserving their knowledge online.

In this episode, we explore:

🔧 DIY Gunsmithing: Discover the empowering world of DIY Gunsmithing, where enthusiasts like Marine Gun Builder share their expertise and passion for firearms customization.

🎥 Creating Online Gunsmithing Content: Dive into the intricacies of producing engaging and informative gunsmithing content for online platforms. 

❌ Content Challenges: Delve into the challenges faced by content creators in the firearms community, where platforms often remove educational content. Explore the implications of this on the dissemination of knowledge.

🚀 Freedom Crew University: Uncover the innovative solution to content removal—Freedom Crew University. Marine Gun Builder’s brainchild, this platform provides a safe space for individuals to learn and discuss DIY Gunsmithing without censorship.

Join us in this enlightening conversation and gain insights into the evolving landscape of firearm education, online content, and the quest for preserving knowledge in the digital age.

🔗 Connect with Marine Gun Builder: https://www.freedomcrewuniversity.com/

Subscribe now and stay tuned for more captivating discussions on firearms, gunsmithing, and the pursuit of knowledge in the Second Amendment community.

#DIYGunsmithing #OnlineContent #FirearmsEducation #FreedomCrewUniversity #SecondAmendment #Podcast @MarineGunBuilder @TheRogueBanshee #teambansh

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 • Falco Holsters

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Resources for the show:

Freedom Crew University – https://www.freedomcrewuniversity.com/

Marine Gun Builder on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjXVdZEeD89PTNYkMNzKww

Marine Gun Builder on the Web – https://www.marinegunbuilder.com/

The Rogue Banshee on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/theroguebanshee

The Rogue Banshee on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theroguebansheemedia/

Discount Codes – https://trb.fyi/partners-and-discounts/

The Rogue Banshee Webpage – https://trb.fyi/

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Product of the Show:

I love my Crimson Trace RAD Micro on my P365XL. Now I am running the RAD Micro Pro on my P365 and love it. Check it out at: https://amzn.to/45jvx4M

Video of the Show:

There are a lot of fraud gun parts out there! In this video check out how to spot Fake Glock Parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvPHG1GJm7g

The Rogue Banshee Original Content
Credit: Jason Schaller
The products (videos, articles, pictures. etc.) available through The Rogue Banshee (including gear, tools, products, etc. that are featured, seen or used) are for informational and entertainment purposes only. All activities are completed in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations, as well as in a safe manner in approved locations with professional supervision.
Affiliate Disclaimer: In accordance with the rules and regulations set by the FTC, The Rogue Banshee is an affiliate marketer for several companies.


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